10 questions to consider
before signing your lease

10 things to think about before signing your lease

The draft lease is usually produced by the landlord’s lawyer and it may not come as a complete surprise to you to learn that it is likely to be heavily skewed in the landlord’s favour. We routinely have to deal with quite blatant bias in documents we review for tenants, much of which can be substantially removed through negotiation – often with little resistance from the other side.

So do you really know what you are signing up to? Our toolkit guide sets out ten questions which you should ask yourself before committing to a new lease.

Chris Ainsworth
Chris AinsworthPartner
Chris Ainsworth regularly advises on leases for both tenants and landlords. Our practical approach involves guiding you through the issues which will affect your business success, ensuring that when taking a lease you are fully aware of the implications before you sign up.

How we can help you

Central to our speciality is our “one stop” service for trading asset disposals and acquisitions. Our team of commercial property lawyers is unusual in that they are also well versed in all business issues relating to acquisitions and disposals of going concerns (TOGCs) – for example, TUPE, IT/IP, contract and operational issues. This means they can handle all aspects themselves arising from such transactions, ensuring acquisition and disposal projects will be delivered on time and on budget by lawyers who understand the whole picture. By structuring our service delivery centred on one solicitor, there are also substantial cost savings to be passed on to you.

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